Anyone who knows me knows that I love gnomes. I have them on my porch, in my garden and even on my Christmas tree. I will often post pics on Facebook and caption it "Hanging with my Gnomies" 2020 has been a year of many different contexts. You could see it as the worst year ever, with no hope and only loss, you could see it as a year of change and growth, or maybe even the best year ever. I have been on the roller coaster of all of these spaces. And as I sit here writing this blog post, drinking my coffee out of my Gnome for the Holidays mug, after taking my greens of course (boosting immune system function is always most important) I am reflecting on the growth I have had this year and how I am always amazed at how much more I can pull into existence, create a new realm of possibility to assist my community to know itself as well, whole, perfect and complete. NOW don't start thinking, "Ooo, her life is all roses and no thorns." I grow when I get pricked by those darn thorns. Actually had cactus prickers in my arm last night, because I didn't move the cactus to open the window to holler out to the kids in the garage to take the trash out. OUCH!!!l. Lesson learned, move the cactus before opening window.
One of the other things I have learned this year is to get quiet and listen FOR who I am, what I stand for, and for what impact do I want to have? This is a very distinct type of listening. To listen FOR something rather than TO something takes something. When you listen FOR you are in control, you get to create and have a say in how things are and will be. It is in that sweet space that truth can be revealed. It is then up to you to choose what actions to take to manifest and pull forth that which you created!
Your question is, because I hear you thinking, Dr. Robyn, what does this have to do with my health, or you being a chiropractor? Scary, isn't it, me being in your head like that? It has everything to do with my conversation for who I know you to be, for whom I wish you to know yourself. I am such that you know yourself as well, whole and complete, and my training in holistic health allows me to pull for questions like, what do you want FOR your life? Is your current state of choices and actions moving you towards or away from what you want? What is missing that would make all the difference for your life?
I am among many things a chiropractor with training in how to locate where your nervous system (master control system of your body) is not functioning properly and apply forces to restore the integrity of the communication between you and your body. Our office compliments that care with support of nutrition, essential oils, energy medicine and interpretation of lab work. It is in this type of care that I can make a lasting and profound difference for your health. Now you can go out and make ripples of impact in your world, and together we will be a force of nature shifting the world for it's highest and best good!
Dr R
Mon: 10am-1pm & 3pm-6pm
Tue: 3pm-6pm
Wed: 10am-1pm & 3pm-6pm
Thurs: 10am-1pm & 3pm-6:30pm
Fri: 9am-12pm (Dr. Robyn only)
Sat: 9am -12pm (Every Other)